using a smart phone to research businesses

How to be Discovered by Potential Customers

What is the chief online discovery tool of the Internet Age? In an online article for SMBs appearing June 1, 2016, the eMarketer said, “Most Small Businesses [are] Discovered Online First.” That is the new preeminent discovery tool of your potential customer. More specifically the article stated, “More than one-third of US internet users said they first…

Do criminals have a conscience?

Ransomware criminals seem to Recent Ransomware criminals decided they should voluntarily (although secretly) provide the encryption key FREE for everyone affected by the TeslaCrypt version of Ransomware. Amazing! And… (gasp) they apologized! “Who was that masked rider?” you ask. No one knows. But the fuzzy cloud around them has lifted. Just a little bit.

artificial intelligence

Hurrah! One for the humans.

Artificial Intelligence: To whom do physicists turn? With all the efforts at Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is occasionally encouraging to hear that the best source of information is real intelligence – not artificial. Here’s the question: To whom do physicists turn when they seek help in colving complicated problems in quantum mechanics? Here’s the answer: To…

Panama Papers Leak

Outdated Software Opened the Door to Confidential Data Doubtless you have read in the news of the Panama Papers leak – the significant leak of 11.5 million documents purportedly showing the financial strategies of politicians, financiers, athletes, the elite around the world. You might think of off-shore accounts and income tax evasion, or you might not. Apparently…