IKARUS dilapidated

The New and Reproved Ransomware Recently, a new variant of the notorious Locky ransomware – IKARUS delapidated – has become part of a large-scale email-based campaign. The attack is gaining traction because it is able to slip past the defenses of some unsuspecting companies. On August 9, the first campaign of a worldwide ransomware attack…

WannaCry Ransomware

Steps to Take to Protect your Data from WannaCry Ransomware The massive WannaCry Ransomware attack has affected 150 countries around the world and done damage to 350,000 computer systems, a large portion of which were in Russia, UK, Spain, France & Germany. Dale Smith, Senior Engineer at Alliant Technology, said, “WannaCry Ransomware malware is similar to other…

Gone Phishing

Don’t bite on these 3 top email phishing lures Ingram Micro,  wholesaler of IT products and services, headquartered in Irvine, California, recently published an article about biting on email phishing lures. That very cleverly put reality explains on a fish platter why Ransomware is doing a billion dollar business. In spite of the complex technological…