Don’t do it! Here’s six good reasons not to:
6 Reasons to NOT turn off your computer at EOD
There is minimal use of electricity and your computer is Star rated, so you’re not big-time helping the electric bill by turning it off.
Restart is the better option if you really feel the necessity of making a bon vivant of your computer at end-of-day. Restart refreshes the system, and is better than a shut down.
Here’s the really important one.. There are necessary system and anti-virus patches which need to be installed regularly. If you shut your system down these cannot be installed and your computer falls behind. Help Alliant help you! Leave your computer running for full access.
Alliant’s monitoring service is interrupted when you shut down. This is a service your company is paying for, so it is pretty important. Sort of like taking your favorite Aunt Bertha off life-support for the night so she can sleep well. Well, she’ll sleep. But no monitoring is not, definitely not, good for the health. Of your computer!
When you shut down there is a longer wait for the computer to re-establish pre-fetch. Pre-fetch is a list of programs Windows tracks as those you regularly use. You close the program, but pre-fetch says, “I’m here waiting!” You shut down, no one says anything. And you wait. Convenience is a good thing, managed properly.
If you are a remote user you have lost any ability to log into your computer remotely if it is shut down. If you do not use remotely, but an emergency occurs where there is a need to access the computer, you are out of luck. No help is available for the computer that is shut down.
On behalf of Alliant, we respectfully ask that you not shut down your computer at the end of the day.
Laptop user? Would it be asking too much that you create some “patch & anti-virus update time”? You know, find an evening or two (or three!) when the laptop can be connected while you sleep. Just saying… much to benefit!
Thank you!