This time it was Yahoo Search
Did you know that Yahoo Directory closed? The directory closed over two years ago,
December 31, 2014.
Forgive me for being out of the loop on that one, but I was shocked! Really. The thing that didn’t surprise me was, “Who killed Yahoo?” It was Google, plain and simple. Although, some would say that Yahoo brought it on themselves.
There are two simple lessons. No, three. One is that good things come to an end. Two is that there is so much communication going on that you can literally be unaware of such a major event.
Three is the opportunity for disruption. Even though Yahoo was at one time “The Internet’s Most Important Search Engine,” another better came along. Google analyzed the situation and decided there was a better way to do it. And they were right!
In business and in life there are those who stand out. For a while. Until someone comes along to do it better. And that means that there are constant opportunities for you to be the one to analyze and come along with a better idea.
They call this changeover “disruption.” By presenting your better idea, you disrupt the status of the one currently considered best. By such disruptions people and businesses grow.