Managed Services Providers, do.
As a teenager one of my favorite jokes was to snap my fingers and then have a pretend friend ask, “Why are you doing that?” I’d answer (still snapping), “Because it keeps away the tigers.” The friend would incredulously say, “But there aren’t any tigers here!!” Still snapping I’d reply, “It’s working!”
Sometimes the absence of drama can be mistaken for “Nothing’s happening.”
All’s calm on the Western front only meant a lull until the next shell fell. As a Managed Service Provider (MSP) we sometimes have customers wonder whether or not anything is happening. That is completely understandable. The work of an MSP is all background and prevention. When you’re without drama, we are at our best. Perhaps from the depths of a past of constant problems it seems improbable that the service could be so successful. But it is.
Your smooth-running network is our goal. Problems do occur from time to time. But keeping you protected and ahead of the break-fix model is our goal. So when it seems like nothing is happening, listen closer. What you hear is the soft hum of a highly efficient network passing data safely from user to user without a glitch.
Snap! Still working.