Linking Visible & Invisible

  Could portals link the visible world with a dark sector? I fully realize that this subject matter is outside my general understanding. Maybe yours too? However, because it fascinates me, please follow along as I make four simple observations about the concept stated in the headline. And check the links if this is your…

10 tools you never knew were there

Doing it wrong without knowing it! American consumerism has produced products and packaging. Products have produced consumer debt and packaging has produced consumer frustration. Have you ever come across a package that is difficult to open and hard to use? I have! But then by accident or by rare intuition, I will either eventually come…

Gone Phishing

Don’t bite on these 3 top email phishing lures Ingram Micro,  wholesaler of IT products and services, headquartered in Irvine, California, recently published an article about biting on email phishing lures. That very cleverly put reality explains on a fish platter why Ransomware is doing a billion dollar business. In spite of the complex technological…

Cloud Computing Matures

Everyone’s in the cloud, aren’t they?  [Check out our initial article on Cloud Computing.] Remind me. What is cloud computing? Google provides a very nice definition: the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. Briefly,…

SkinGun Heals Burns

Does this post header make you want to check Wikipedia or Snopes? Some technologies are so beyond our experience that we immediately doubt they are real. Someone tells you that there is a SkinGun that heals the burn using the victim’s own stem cells. What do you say? Does your mind take in that this…