How many minutes in non-business browsing?

In school they call it “being on task.” At work it has more to do with honesty and productivity. But the question is really the same. Are employees on task, or on the Internet? A recent Gallup poll found that the average employee spends over 75 minutes per day using office computers for non-business related…

Social Media – Friend or Foe?

Is there any question that Social Media is a real part of our culture? The concepts of sharing, tagging and liking are not unfamiliar to anyone who has even a cursory connection to the Internet. And for a large group, it is clearly a big part of their daily existence, not just a novelty for…

The Password Problem

  Just mention the words “identity theft” and honest people cringe. We continue to hear reports like that of the millions of encrypted LinkedIn passwords that were leaked and posted on a Russian hacker’s website in 2012. But typically users won’t take the trouble to change their password even if their account is implicated! Why…

Outlook Squeeze!

Outlook already provides so much functionality to even the average user that it is a strong favorite in many offices. Not just handling email, but calendars, events, tasks, goals and so much more. Here are three of those “much more” elements that help you squeeze Outlook for just a little more. Quick Steps As the…

Four Reasons Not to Discredit Nielsen

Remember Nielsen? At one time TV viewers were entranced with Nielsen Ratings and how that affected their favorite TV shows. Roll forward a generation of years to discover that TV is no longer interesting and that Nielsen is rating Online TV viewers. Here are four recent web offerings on Nielsen that spell their ongoing dominance…

Cell phone – Older than the Net!

Happy Birthday Cell Phone: April 3, 1973, 40 years old! But it’s the younger models that are doing the best in capturing market share. Look at that recent youngster, Android. They are up 13%, ahead of Apple’s iOS, down 7%. The oldster, BlackBerry, has fallen and can’t (seem to) get up from loss of 81%.…