There are many beneficial tools on the Outlook Ribbon. So many that it can be overwhelming. And so overwhelming that we tend not to check out what is there, preferring to stick to the small set of learned skills with which we are most comfortable. With this post you have the opportunity to explore, to move outside your comfort zone and learn three simple tools that will help you to expand your Outlook skill set, and gain some benefit.
Open Outlook, find the View menu to the right and then start at the left, “Current View.”
Is there are way to create a clearer separation between emails?
Due to all the white, the font choice and the lack of an icon in front of each item, it might be harder to distinguish between individual mail items in your message list. To improve the visibility, you could modify your view to add a grid line style:
View-> View Settings-> Other Settings… (button)-> Grid line style (dropdown list)
Here you have the option between 4 different separators:
◾Small dots
◾Large dots
While you are in this View Setting area, you will see a “Change Setting” item with a drop down. This area allows you to change from one view to another with the idea that if you create a view (save as) you can use it when needed and go back to your preferred view at will. I discovered that you can view your email against a calendar view – especially useful if you are searching for something and know the approximate time frame. Search to find, and then change back to your usual view when you are done searching. Very convenient!
Can I decrease the font size that is being used in the message list?
In your message list, Outlook will now use a larger font to display the sender’s name and a smaller font to display the subject of the message. To decrease this font size and make it the same size as the subject, you can create an additional Conditional Formatting rule without any conditions but with its font settings to smaller.
1.Go to View (tab)-> View Settings (button)-> Conditional Formatting… (button)
2.Click Add.
3.Name the rule. For instance: Standard font size
4.Click the Font… button.
5.Set the size to: Smaller
6.OK yourself out of the open dialogs and confirm that you indeed want to create this rule without any conditions.
The nice thing about View Settings is that there is also a Reset View button. It is always best practice to do a Save As. But if you get lost in the excitement of the moment, simply click Reset View and get back to safe ground!
How can I change or add locations to the weather information?
If you are a frequent Outlook 2013 Calendar user, you’ll have already noticed the weather information. Click on the location name in the Calendar and select Add location. If your town/village/city can’t be found, try searching for a larger city near you instead. You can add up to 5 locations.
To remove a location, click on the location name to bring out a dropdown list with the configured location. Hover on a location name and you’ll see an X appear. Click on it to remove the location.
Have fun exploring!