In fact, it’s #1 for the 2nd year in a row!
Under the category, “Old friends: revisiting them,” is IoT. To refresh your memory, the Internet of Things (I0T) is “the connectivity of physical devices that communicate with similar devices.” The ways in which a business can benefit from IoT is growing. While most of that information gathered centers on control and usage of physical product (inventory and remote access), there is also the area of demographics. Demographics helps to define your “best customer.” Why should you care who your best customer is? You should! Because your best customer is great to work with, loves your product, pays promptly, talks to others about your business, gives great reviews and becomes the central focus of your marketing.
Laetitia Gazel Anthoine, founder and CEO of Connecthings, sees this trend expanding even more in 2018. “The Internet of Things makes a link between the real world and the digital world, and that can really help a small business owner create new operations for added revenue,” she says. UPS highlighted IoT as one of “7 business technology trends to watch for in 2017.” The high degree of interest has continued into the present year as more and more devices are developed that provide integration between people and machines, machines and machines, and machines and people.