Big News from Pacesetter Google
Google sets the pace in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). More than 80% of searches occur on Google. If your website is not presented in Google searches, likely it is not seen at all.
Recently, Google announced that they are changing one of the major factors in search engine success. They are going to give preference to those who search with their mobile device. Mobilgeddon created!
Why would they do that?
Why Change?
Because officially, there are more people who search from a mobile device than from a desktop. More people means more searches. More searches means more opportunities for Google advertiser viewing.
Traditionally, desktops have been the dominating realm of all Internet queries. Not so any more. Now the search preference has turned toward those who search on their smart phone or other mobile device. This raises a very practical issue: Is your website mobile enabled? That is, if someone searches for your business with their mobile phone, will they be able to navigate what they find?
Some are calling the mobile-favoring change a not so affectionate, “Mobilgeddon.” Which is appropriate as a warning of coming – not present – doom to all desktop oriented websites. The change is not in effect as yet. But will happen soon, based on the amazing growth of mobile search.
So how can you avoid this Mobilgeddon? You can determine if your website presents content optimized for mobile devices. Here’s a simple test. Take your mobile and browse to your website. An unoptimized site will commonly produce a blank page with a message saying, “Switch to desktop site.” You may get to your site and find that it does size to your mobile device. Wildly scrolling up and down and side to side.
Practical Testing
Other elements to check to determine if your website content is optimized for mobile:
- Can visitors find your main pages easily?
- Is the menu not only accessible but the buttons easily readable? Easy to read is one step. Large enough to click is quite another. Check for both because these are the heart of navigation.
- How quickly can browsers find your Name-Address-Phone number (NAP)? This critical information is the source for any call-to-action you present to your visitors.
- To squeeze your entire website into a small mobile screen is not the same as a mobile-optimized site.
A higher level check is Google’s Mobile-friendly test. Call Alliant to express your interest in pursuing the test and with optimizing your website for mobile. We’d be glad to help.